Odin- a little man with a big name
Odin became a little man with a big name on July 26, 2006 at 11:01 PM. He currently resides with his Mommy, Daddy, dog, Honey, cat, Grasshopper, and fish tank of un-named fish in Santa Cruz, California where he enjoys long walks along the ocean, daily visits with Daddy to the greenhouse in the backyard, and being social with Mommy and his friends. Odin will be getting a sibling at the beginning of October and he's really excited!
Current Age: 2 years (25 mo.)
Monday, February 26, 2007
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Lazy Mommy!
Sorry for the lack of updates and photos lately! I'm ashamed of myself! I will try harder to catch the little man in action, HOWEVER, he is now crawling ZOOM around the house and standing up holding onto anything and everything and letting go and trying to balance, and going into the corners and trying to eat EVERY little speck of dirt he finds, and finding the dog toys and wanting to chew on them, and pulling the baskets out from the tv stand and pulling the dvds out of them and trying to chew on electric cords and trying to lick the dirt off of our shoes, and diving off the edge of his changing table and smearing his snotty nose all over my clothing...WHEW! Sooooooo that's why there are no photos....he's just a BLUR with a smile :) Here's to mobility!!!!!!
Monday, February 19, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Uh-oh, he caught on!
Well, Odin caught on a lot faster than I thought he would! Thanks goodness I started babyproofing first thing this morning. First, I tackled the edge of the fireplace with some rubber, then, I went to tackle the kitchen cabinet that holds the "Chemicals." I went back to check on Odin who was SUPPOSEDLY watching his new Baby Einstein video, and there he was attacking the "Power Cords!" Soooooo, then I started working on babyproofing that and Odin was already over checking out the fireplace! Phew! The only thing about this crawling thing is that Odin REFUSES to take a nap! He just wants to stay up all day practicing crawling but he does need naps so he was SO crabby and tired! Argh! Hopefully by tomorrow this crawling thing will be old news to him :) It is a nice feeling though when he crawls over to me and wants me to pick him up! This is the first time that he has had the free will to show me that he likes me all on his own! Warms my heart :) We also went to the playground around the corner for the first time and Odin went on the swings! Although he did enjoy the swings, he was mostly interested in watching the big kids that he found FASCINATING! I think Odin was meant to be born into a huge family because he LOVES being around other kids :) That's all for now!

Saturday, February 10, 2007
Odin is on the go!
Today, Odin crawled across the room to get his toy! I squealed I was so shocked and then he looked at me like "What's the matter!" so I had to quickly reassure him that I hadn't had a heart attack, I was just excited. So, the two of us went "safety" shopping so that I can quickly baby proof a bit before Odin realizes that crawling is useful for more than just getting a toy that is out of reach. So exciting! My baby is no longer a baby! (I think Odin would tell you that he never WAS a baby...and since he's such a lanky little guy, he sure never looked like one!) It seems like he's been a little "man" since the day he was born. Well, that's the news for today!!! YAY ODIN! GO, Dog, GO!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Monday, February 05, 2007
I have no photo for this post because, for once, I was enjoying myself so much, I forgot to grab the camera. I just needed to document this evening as the first time that I had so much fun with Odin that I entirely forgot myself and actually lost track of time.
It all began a few weeks ago when I realized that Odin would giggle if I did "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" by tickling him. It took about ten times and tickling him until he practically turned blue and then he would finally have a fit of giggles. Now, this might not seem like much to you, but giggles for Odin are few and far between. He usually does the old man, "heh, heh, heh." Like, "Yes, that was slightly entertaining, but not really all that funny."
After weeks of the Itsy routine, two nights ago, I hid behind the couch and popped out and Odin giggled! So, I did this as many times as I could, getting at least three sets of giggles before it wore out. Needless to say, I was hooked! Last night, I inadvertently realized that chasing Honey around the island in the kitchen while holding Odin got him squealing and giggling. Needless to say, I kept this up until we were both on the verge of spitting up.
Tonight, while Odin was in his jumper, I played hide & seek with him, and he actually jumped, squealed and giggled. His fit of giggles lasted longer than ever and we played and giggled and squealed for more than a half hour! I know this is the silliest oh so stay-at-home mom blog entry ever but I just wanted to share the pure joy in the simple things. Here's to many more giggles in the future!!!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Indian Summer...

Although we still haven't really had our rainy season, it has been cold off and on (60 degrees) which is why today was a real treat! It was warm enough to wear shorts and a tank top with flip flops, hang out on the back deck, and still be a little too warm! YAY!!! Odin had fun enjoying the outdoors while I worked on priming our new closet. Odin and I discussed how we feel extra bad for all of you with negative windchill today! You are all welcome to come visit! Odin even as room in his new corral for an adult to join him! (I know because I spent quite a while in there with him myself!) So come on out and party with us!