Odin's 2nd (One Month Early) Birthday Party!
Odin's Birthday Party was a huge success! We had it a month early because we'll be away for the month of July and will miss his real birthday. There were about 14 kids and 19 adults so it was quite busy! The theme was Blues Clues as that is Odin's
FAVORITE show and today he keeps saying, "My turn. More birthday party!" He had a GREAT time. Here are a few highlights:
Invitation by mommy...

Odin relaxing in the tub the night before.
The cake his mommy made.
Uncle Daniel, cousin Kayla, and matching cousin Bella.
Best friend, Chance.
Assorted friends...
New baby cousin, Lucia.
Roadster face-off.
Another expecting mommy.
4th of July cake for the grown-ups and blue inside of the Blues Clues cake!
Odin's new bike.
Lots of dads...
Pool party...
Superhero (Jammies from cousins Jimmy & Jasmine)
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