Odin- a little man with a big name

Odin became a little man with a big name on July 26, 2006 at 11:01 PM. He currently resides with his Mommy, Daddy, dog, Honey, cat, Grasshopper, and fish tank of un-named fish in Santa Cruz, California where he enjoys long walks along the ocean, daily visits with Daddy to the greenhouse in the backyard, and being social with Mommy and his friends. Odin will be getting a sibling at the beginning of October and he's really excited!

Current Age: 2 years (25 mo.)

Saturday, August 25, 2007

My body is my own!!!!

Well...it's two days and one night official. Odin is weaned. Official age: 13 months. Perfectly timed just like his day after due date birth. I think he takes after his type A mommy! I guess that happens when you're the first child. We'll see how tonight goes...Daddy's going to get up with him and get him back to sleep so in addition to having a fully weaned child, they'll also get some good snuggle time! Last night, Odin not only slept through the entire night, he also woke up at NINE AM this morning (2 hours after his regular time) and played HAPPILY and INDEPENDENTLY in his crib for a half hour so I got to get up and have my coffee in peace! Anyways...yesterday, Odin, Auntie Mary, Cousin Francesca, and I all went to Bonfante Gardens for the first time. It was SO much fun! I'm including some cute videos of Odin riding some rides with his usual panache ;) Here's a shot of what happened with his first ice cream cone too (we just gave him a tiny bit in a cone and look what he managed to do with it!)


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