Back in California!
We're back and we're so happy to be home! Being away really makes me appreciate how much I love my little house and our town! It's crazy though, it feels like we're already having Fall! We have cold, foggy mornings and crisp clear sunny afternoons. It seems like Northern California has REALLY long Fall and Spring and a VERY short Summer and Winter. We will get another summer in October though so that is always a nice little surprise!
We had a GREAT time back East. The weather was PERFECT and everything was SO green!!! We got to go to Nantucket and Vermont during the best time of year there and it was just so beautiful! Here are some photos...
My friend Susan and her husband brought their two little boys over to meet Odin on Nantucket. Susan and I used to surf together and get into trouble together back during my early twenties!

Alana, Bob, and my two nieces, Ashley, and Shayna, and Shay's friend came to visit right after that!
For some reason, I didn't get a photo, but I will add a photo of my friend Cathy who came for a brief visit to Nantucket as soon as she sends me one from her camera!
My friend Jenny, whom I went to college with, also came out to visit!
Grammie, Odin, and tall skinny statue at The Wauwinet.
Odin's first ride in Grandpa's fishing boat.
My friends, Christian and Nicole's little girl, Makayla, came over for a playdate while we were in Nantucket!
Ryan and his Dad at his sister, Rachel's wedding.
Ryan's Mom in her finery :) Mother of the bride!
Rachel & Rick Brown!
Odin and the ladies! (Including cousin Alexandra)
Odin LOVES hit Aunt Becky!
Odin's cousin, Nicholas, looking quite dashing!
Ryan and his sister, Robin, giving Odin a boat ride!
Enjoying the warm lake water of Vermont!
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