Hi everyone!
Sorry about the lack of photos on this post. My camera is DYING and today, at Costco, I forsake the maid- I KNOW!- How could I? Well- I forsake the maid for a new CAMERA! Ryan gave me the option (as I drooled over the NIKON Coolpix 7mpx camera) that I could swap getting a maid for a new camera if I wanted. It was SUCH a tough call...but in the end, I thought of all of you out there that faithfully read the blog and thought..."What would they do if there were NO PHOTOS EVER AGAIN?" "It would CRUSH them!" So.....dear reader, I did the most unselfish thing I could, I swapped a maid for the camera. I know, I know...it was just too much, I shouldn't have, you're so grateful. Yes, yes, yes...I know. You will all have photos from a brand new camera tomorrow now that Odin has gone to bed and I can spend time opening and figuring it out, charging it etc. SO, as I scrub toilets with a toothbrush, wash the floors on my hands and knees, my hands looking oh so *dishpan,* I will be thinking of what a good thing I have done for all of you and maybe, somewhere in heaven, Mother Theresa will smile down upon me.
Ok, on to other topics. I did take some video today of Odin reading a book to himself upside-down, but I don't know how to post video on a blog. I KNOW! I give off such an air of technical genius, it's just appalling that I don't know how to post video. Well, if anyone wants to let me know how to, please do! Although Odin has taken to have a TEMPER TANTRUM every time he wants something that he can't have- mostly in public- I have to say, that when he puts his little arm around my neck and squeezes, or sticks his feet through the rungs of his crib so I'll kiss them, or pushes his body and face up to the rungs so that I hug and kiss him through the side of the crib, it really does make up for all the trials and tribulations of the day. Even now, as the scent of Johnson & Johnson No Tears Shampoo/Body Wash wafts up from my keyboard, I am struck with such love. I am also feeling the love as my husband calls me from the drugstore to tell me how he is SHOCKED at the amount of birthday cards there are to choose from and that Odin got me a really great card and I know that he suffers through this ritual because he knows that I just LOVE getting cards, I feel such love. I am truly a lucky lucky woman.