Odin- a little man with a big name
Odin became a little man with a big name on July 26, 2006 at 11:01 PM. He currently resides with his Mommy, Daddy, dog, Honey, cat, Grasshopper, and fish tank of un-named fish in Santa Cruz, California where he enjoys long walks along the ocean, daily visits with Daddy to the greenhouse in the backyard, and being social with Mommy and his friends. Odin will be getting a sibling at the beginning of October and he's really excited!
Current Age: 2 years (25 mo.)
What's new?
Hello everyone!
What's new? Well, here's the new interior door style...love them, they keep out ALL the noise!!!!

Here's Odin looking like a little Ivy leager...

Sleeping in the Spring sunshine...

My wisteria in full bloom...

AND a few of the million colors for the front door that I'm considering...
The flowers are all a bloom...
Roses from our backyard...

Odin and his papa playing ping-pong :)

Uncle Adam is visiting and working on the house so soon we'll have some pictures to show you of our new front door, new inside doors, and renovated bathrooms!
Uncle Adam and Grammie

Odin dining on frog legs...

Grandpa's house in Jackson Hole is coming along!

The view from Grandpa's house looks out on the Tetons.

Odin is a true mountain man!
Spring has sprung!

Spring has sprung, the grass is ris'
I wonder where the birdies is?