Odin- a little man with a big name

Odin became a little man with a big name on July 26, 2006 at 11:01 PM. He currently resides with his Mommy, Daddy, dog, Honey, cat, Grasshopper, and fish tank of un-named fish in Santa Cruz, California where he enjoys long walks along the ocean, daily visits with Daddy to the greenhouse in the backyard, and being social with Mommy and his friends. Odin will be getting a sibling at the beginning of October and he's really excited!

Current Age: 2 years (25 mo.)

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Ultrasound Follow-up

So...we are DEFINITELY NOT going to find out the sex of Odin's little sister or brother. That's Ryan's decision. All concerns/complaints should be directed to him. :) The doctor saw some things in the ultrasound that didn't look perfect so we're having a follow up super-duper ultrasound on Friday the 9th so please think good thoughts for us and we'll keep you all posted. We're trying not to think about it. Could be something, could be nothing. All I can do is drink lots of water and think positive thoughts and rub my belly a lot.


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