Baby sold as gift during holiday madness!

Well, in our mad rush to get Christmas presents, Kids On Broadway projects, Christmas cards, laundry, and housework done, Odin's mama manged to get a cold! YICK! Odin only seems to have a touch of it, thank goodness, but it sure caused him to fight going to bed tonight! As far as updates on Odin...he now rolls back and forth both ways, sits up for about 20 minutes before falling over, and yesterday, his first little point of a tooth popped through his bottom gums! He is SUCH a good baby and I just adore him. He has also started doing sweet things like reaching up and touching my face, playing with my necklace, and or my hair, and snuggling close while sucking his thumb. He talks up a storm to everyone he meets and he even had a giggling fit the other day! I have the world's best little boy!
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